Where to begin

Front view of the shot gun style log home.
The idea of buying a farm and restoring it and the old log farm house may sound like a great idea or just crazy! But just think of it as chores. You have a list of what needs to be done and you just jump in and get started. Grandpa Roesler had the land cleared several years ago but those darn trees grow so fast it was just to much to keep up with. That was part of the reason for building his get away, it was a smaller place to keep up with. Here are a few photos to show the before and after of the work done to date, July 2012. Some of the work Ralph and I had done during the 100 degree days that Missouri experienced in 2012 but when you live in Texas I guess you just get used to that. ;) We decided to have the small pond rebuilt since it had dried up. Norm does a great job with his bulldozer. After a few rains we'll stock it. The cattle depend on the big pond so it will stay as is for awhile. Above is a picture of the implement barn before and after clearing. It's on the top of the list of what needs to be done next.
Spring Clean-up March 2013
July 4th weekend 2013, after chores are done!
And yes that is the same barn pictured at the top of the page! The same house too. Next on the list is to clear trees along the road. Anyone need any firewood?